A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it

A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it . It just blooms._
I know it's not easy to have this perspective in today's world where everyone is competing, they are in a race, we want everything that other people have, whether it's relationships, material things or even life skills. If only we focus our energy on our own growth, if we consider every single human a part of our own self, and understand that their growth is our growth, our life will be less complicated. This yogini is so much advance than me when it comes to yoga asanas, her body is so much different than mine, her experience is more and she has her own journey . All I know is when I see her doing these amazing advance asanas, I feel proud. I know I cant touch my head down like her or move my body like a rubber band but still when we flow together, we create magic , we sync beautifully because we both are different breed of flowers, blooming at our own pace. To all my women fellows out there, our feminine circle is strong. Let's not compare ourselves with that woman over there standing on the other side of the fence. We have our own unique powers that we need to invest our energies in. Let's flow together in synchronicity and witness the magic we all create. #healwithzainab #healwithsupport #womensupport #healwithyoga #femininecircle

Posted by Heal with Zainab on Tuesday, December 17, 2019

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